ENDLICH – Tokio Hotel zurück in Russland!
FINALLY – Tokio Hotel back in Russia!
We are thrilled to announce, that TH finally found a way to see their Russian fans again! The guys received tons of requests via mail and their Russian fans plastered the net asking them to come back...and now the long wait is OVER! Tokio Hotel will perfrom at the huge MUZ TV Annual National Music Award Ceremony scheduled for June 3rd 2011 at the Olympic Stadium, Moscow! Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg can't wait to celebrate with their fans!
FINALLY – Tokio Hotel back in Russia!
We are thrilled to announce, that TH finally found a way to see their Russian fans again! The guys received tons of requests via mail and their Russian fans plastered the net asking them to come back...and now the long wait is OVER! Tokio Hotel will perfrom at the huge MUZ TV Annual National Music Award Ceremony scheduled for June 3rd 2011 at the Olympic Stadium, Moscow! Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg can't wait to celebrate with their fans!
Tokio Hotel gewinnt neuen MTV-Preis: "Beste Fans"
Die Magdeburger Band Tokio Hotel kann sich der größten Truppe von Verehrern ["Fan Army"] weltweit rühmen. Bei der Verleihung der ersten Online-Preise des Musiksenders MTV ["MTV O-Awards"] sammelten die deutschen Rocker die meisten Stimmen für den begehrten Zuschauerpreis ein. "Wir haben gewonnen", triumphierte der amerikanische Fanclub von Tokio Hotel am Freitag auf seiner Internetseite. Keine andere Band der Welt habe eine so engagierte und treue "Fan-Armee" wie die Gruppe um Tom und Bill Kaulitz. Andere "O Music Awards" gingen an Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert und Willow Smith, die zehnjährige Tochter von Will und Jada Pinkett Smith.
Tokio Hotel wins new MTV-Award: "Best Fans"
Tokio Hotel from Magdeburg can be happy to have the world's biggest group of fans ["Fan Army"]. They collected the most votes for the coveted audience award at the award ceremony of the first Online-Awards of the music-channel MTV ["MTV O-Awards"]. "We won", triumphed the American Fanclub of Tokio Hotel on their homepage. No other band in the world have such an active and faithful "Fan-Army" like the group around Tom and Bill Kaulitz. Other "O Music Awards" went to Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert and Willow Smith, the 10 year-old daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith.
Translation by TokioHotel-Info
Die Magdeburger Band Tokio Hotel kann sich der größten Truppe von Verehrern ["Fan Army"] weltweit rühmen. Bei der Verleihung der ersten Online-Preise des Musiksenders MTV ["MTV O-Awards"] sammelten die deutschen Rocker die meisten Stimmen für den begehrten Zuschauerpreis ein. "Wir haben gewonnen", triumphierte der amerikanische Fanclub von Tokio Hotel am Freitag auf seiner Internetseite. Keine andere Band der Welt habe eine so engagierte und treue "Fan-Armee" wie die Gruppe um Tom und Bill Kaulitz. Andere "O Music Awards" gingen an Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert und Willow Smith, die zehnjährige Tochter von Will und Jada Pinkett Smith.
Tokio Hotel wins new MTV-Award: "Best Fans"
Tokio Hotel from Magdeburg can be happy to have the world's biggest group of fans ["Fan Army"]. They collected the most votes for the coveted audience award at the award ceremony of the first Online-Awards of the music-channel MTV ["MTV O-Awards"]. "We won", triumphed the American Fanclub of Tokio Hotel on their homepage. No other band in the world have such an active and faithful "Fan-Army" like the group around Tom and Bill Kaulitz. Other "O Music Awards" went to Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert and Willow Smith, the 10 year-old daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith.
Translation by TokioHotel-Info
TOKIO HOTEL gewinnen USA MTV O Music Award!
TOKIO HOTEL win the MTV O Music Award in the US!
The celebration for the brand new MTV O Music Award show took place in Las Vegas, US yesterday night. And even though TOKIO HOTEL have tried to escape the spotlight over the last five months by not giving any interviews or doing TV apperances, the four rock stars from Germany received an award in the category Fan Army. They beat US artists such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna or Justin Bieber and were the only European act that scored one of the prestigious trophies. The entire MTV O Music Award show was broadcasted world wide yesterday via LIVE stream.
Aside from the US MTV Video Music Awards, the MTV Latin Music Awards or the MTV Europe Music Awards, where Tokio Hotel have taken home multiple awards over the last years, the MTV O Music Awards are now the fourth international MTV format where Tokio Hotel has come out as one of the night's big winners.
...check out the full MTV O Music award show right HERE or watch the video message Bill and Tom recorded for YOU!
TOKIO HOTEL win the MTV O Music Award in the US!
The celebration for the brand new MTV O Music Award show took place in Las Vegas, US yesterday night. And even though TOKIO HOTEL have tried to escape the spotlight over the last five months by not giving any interviews or doing TV apperances, the four rock stars from Germany received an award in the category Fan Army. They beat US artists such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna or Justin Bieber and were the only European act that scored one of the prestigious trophies. The entire MTV O Music Award show was broadcasted world wide yesterday via LIVE stream.
Aside from the US MTV Video Music Awards, the MTV Latin Music Awards or the MTV Europe Music Awards, where Tokio Hotel have taken home multiple awards over the last years, the MTV O Music Awards are now the fourth international MTV format where Tokio Hotel has come out as one of the night's big winners.
...check out the full MTV O Music award show right HERE or watch the video message Bill and Tom recorded for YOU!
Tokio Hotel OMG!!! Ihr habt es geschafft und der ganzen Welt gezeigt wer die absolut BESTEN Fans der Welt hat. Der Award für "BEST FAN ARMY" bei der diesjährigen MTV O Music Award Verleihung geht an...Tokio Hotel's Aliens ;-) Danke für die riesige Unterstützung!
Tokio Hotel haben in der Kategorie "Fan Army FTW" bei den MTV O Music Awards 2011 gewonnen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Tokio Hotel won in the category "Fan Army FTW" at the MTV O Music Awards 2011! Congratulations!
Video (aufgehellte/brightened Version) - DOWNLOAD
Thanks to haylie @ THus
Tokio Hotel won in the category "Fan Army FTW" at the MTV O Music Awards 2011! Congratulations!
Video (aufgehellte/brightened Version) - DOWNLOAD
Thanks to haylie @ THus
Wanna be part of the huge MTV O Music Award Fan Army Party in Las Vegas on April 28?
...check out THIS SITE for more info! Important: when requesting a ticket, make sure to use the promo code "Tokio". PLEASE only request a ticket if you are certain that you can be at the party. |
Das TokioHotel-Info Team wünscht euch allen Frohe Ostern, schöne Feiertage und einen fleißigen Osterhasen!
The TokioHotel-Info Team wishes you a Happy Easter, nice holidays and a busy Easter bunny!
April 16th, World Wide Tokio Hotel Day
Fans around the world got together to celebrate TH on the same day in their city. We randomly picked one of the hundreds of terrific videos out there. Enjoy! |
MTV O Music Awards!
Die letzte Woche beim großen MTV O Music Award Voting ist angebrochen...also ran an die Tastatur und jetzt noch schnell abstimmen! Über die letzten Wochen habt ihr TH an der Spitze gehalten in der Kategorie "Fan Army FTW" - vielen Dank dafür.
> Check den aktuellen Stand & Rock the Vote!
So, und nun natürlich an euch alle: SCHÖNE OSTERN!!
There are less than 7 days left for you guys to cast your vote over at MTV for the O Music Awards. You kept TH in the top position for several weeks now in the category "Fan Army FTW" - thanks so much for that and keep on rocking the vote RIGHT HERE!!
Also, HAPPY EASTER to all of you!!!
Die letzte Woche beim großen MTV O Music Award Voting ist angebrochen...also ran an die Tastatur und jetzt noch schnell abstimmen! Über die letzten Wochen habt ihr TH an der Spitze gehalten in der Kategorie "Fan Army FTW" - vielen Dank dafür.
> Check den aktuellen Stand & Rock the Vote!
So, und nun natürlich an euch alle: SCHÖNE OSTERN!!
There are less than 7 days left for you guys to cast your vote over at MTV for the O Music Awards. You kept TH in the top position for several weeks now in the category "Fan Army FTW" - thanks so much for that and keep on rocking the vote RIGHT HERE!!
Also, HAPPY EASTER to all of you!!!
Online Konferenz mit Tokio Hotel - bis zum 25. April habt ihr die Möglichkeit den Jungs von Tokio Hotel Fragen zu stellen. Zunächst müsst ihr euch hier registrieren (Anleitung für die Registrierung hier) und dann könnt ihr eure Fragen dort schreiben. Die Jungs werden circa 30 Fragen beantworten. Die Antworten werden demnächst veröffentlicht.
Online Conference with Tokio Hotel - until 25th April you have the opportunity to ask questions to the guys from Tokio Hotel. At first you have to register here (instruction for registration here) and then you can write your questions there. The guys will answer circa 30 questions. The answers will be published soon.
Online Conference with Tokio Hotel - until 25th April you have the opportunity to ask questions to the guys from Tokio Hotel. At first you have to register here (instruction for registration here) and then you can write your questions there. The guys will answer circa 30 questions. The answers will be published soon.
Tokio Hotel Wir erhielten bisher tolle Bilder für unseren TH For Japan Wettbewerb - dies ist das erste Bild davon. Auch du hast die Chance, dass dein Bild auf Tokio Hotel's Facebook-Seite gepostet wird und damit auch die Chance einen einzigartigen TH-Ring zu gewinnen. Weitere Informationen findest du unter: http://www.tokiohotel.com/de/
Beeindrucken! Gerry Judah... / Impressive! Gerry Judah...
Wie lange dauert die Reise von San Francisco nach Paris?
Gerade einmal 2 Minuten...nördliches Polarlicht inklusive!
How long does it take to travel from San Francisco to Paris?
2 minutes only...the impressive Northern Lights inclusive!
Gerade einmal 2 Minuten...nördliches Polarlicht inklusive!
How long does it take to travel from San Francisco to Paris?
2 minutes only...the impressive Northern Lights inclusive!
It's officially confirmed! Tokio Hotel will be at the MuzTV Awards 2011 in Moscow (Russia) on 3rd June 2011! They will perform as a headliner!
TH For Japan: Pic einsenden & einzigartigen Preis gewinnen!
Deinen ganz persönlichen Tokio Hotel Ring! Hergestellt nur für Dich, von einem Goldschmied aus einem Teil des Bühnengeländers der großen "Welcome to HUMANOID City" Europatour! Ein absolutes Unikat!
Und so kannst du teilnehmen:
Schicke ein Foto von Dir wie Du die TH for Japan Buttons trägst und zwar an Fans@TokioHotel.de. Eine Auswahl der Einsendungen posten wir auf facebook.com/tokiohotel. Zusätzlich wird am Ende der Aktion (31. Mai 2011 – 23:59:59 CET) ein Gewinner gezogen der den heißbegehrten "TH For Japan" Ring bekommt!
Viel Glück und danke für die tolle Unterstützung!!!
P.S.: Selbst wenn Du Deine Buttons noch nicht bekommen hast - jeder hat die gleiche Chance zu gewinnen...selbst wenn Du Dein Pic erst in ein paar Tagen an uns schickst.
TH For Japan: Submit your pic for a chance to win BIG!
A huge "Thank you" to everyone who has already supported "TH For Japan" so far. We would really like to reward your dedication. Show your contribution to the whole world by sending us a pic of yourself wearing the "TH For Japan" buttonset. A selection of all the submitted pics will be featured on Tokio Hotel's official facebook page! Also, from all submissions we'll pick one person who will receive a truly unique prize:
Your exclusive and personal Tokio Hotel ring! Manufactured just for you out of a piece of the stage hand rail from the big "Welcome to HUMANOID City" Europe tour, created by a real gold smith.
And this is how you can participate:
Send us a pic of yourself wearing the TH For Japan buttons to Fans@TokioHotel.de. A selection of all submissions will then be posted on facebook.com/tokiohotel. At the end of this campaign (May 31, 2011 - 23:59:59 CET) one lucky winner will get the prestigious "TH For Japan" ring.
Good luck and thanks for your amazing support!!!
Btw.: Even if you did not receive your buttonset yet - each participant has the same chance to win the prize...even if you only submit your pic only in a few days.
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle die sich bereits bei "TH For Japan" engagiert haben. Deinen tollen Einsatz wollen wir natürlich belohnen. Zeig dein Engagement der ganzen Welt und sende uns ein Foto von Dir und deinen "TH for Japan" Buttons per email. Eine Auswahl aller eingesendeten Pics posten wir auf dem offiziellen Tokio Hotel Facebook Profil! Aus den zugesendeten Bildern ziehen wir eine(n) Gewinner(in), der / die einen ganz besonderen und wirklich einzigartigen Preis erhält: |
Und so kannst du teilnehmen:
Schicke ein Foto von Dir wie Du die TH for Japan Buttons trägst und zwar an Fans@TokioHotel.de. Eine Auswahl der Einsendungen posten wir auf facebook.com/tokiohotel. Zusätzlich wird am Ende der Aktion (31. Mai 2011 – 23:59:59 CET) ein Gewinner gezogen der den heißbegehrten "TH For Japan" Ring bekommt!
Viel Glück und danke für die tolle Unterstützung!!!
P.S.: Selbst wenn Du Deine Buttons noch nicht bekommen hast - jeder hat die gleiche Chance zu gewinnen...selbst wenn Du Dein Pic erst in ein paar Tagen an uns schickst.
TH For Japan: Submit your pic for a chance to win BIG!
A huge "Thank you" to everyone who has already supported "TH For Japan" so far. We would really like to reward your dedication. Show your contribution to the whole world by sending us a pic of yourself wearing the "TH For Japan" buttonset. A selection of all the submitted pics will be featured on Tokio Hotel's official facebook page! Also, from all submissions we'll pick one person who will receive a truly unique prize:
Your exclusive and personal Tokio Hotel ring! Manufactured just for you out of a piece of the stage hand rail from the big "Welcome to HUMANOID City" Europe tour, created by a real gold smith.
And this is how you can participate:
Send us a pic of yourself wearing the TH For Japan buttons to Fans@TokioHotel.de. A selection of all submissions will then be posted on facebook.com/tokiohotel. At the end of this campaign (May 31, 2011 - 23:59:59 CET) one lucky winner will get the prestigious "TH For Japan" ring.
Good luck and thanks for your amazing support!!!
Btw.: Even if you did not receive your buttonset yet - each participant has the same chance to win the prize...even if you only submit your pic only in a few days.
Death Metal Rooster!
Thanks to theresa @ THCN
Voice-over: That is Reina's favourite band. The group consists of four young East Germans. It's called "Tokio Hotel". Identical twins Bill and Tom were born in the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Their dream was [to play] a concert in far away Tokyo. They already released their first CD when they were teenagers. After that they received countless awards in their home country and abroad. Beyond Germany's borders they also became more well-known worldwide.
*Reina speaking Japanese*
Voice-over: Tokio Hotel were the reason for Reina to also get into the show business. Finally the band's dream came true. Will the band also take Japan by storm?
Tokio Hotel *clinking glasses over meal*: To "Tokio Hotel" in a Tokyo hotel. *jokingly pretending to be drinking something posh* Hmmm.
Bill: Delicious.
Gustav and Tom: Splendid wine.
Voice-over: Here's somebody already waiting to meet them.
Reina: I'm standing in front of a hotel in Tokyo to meet "Tokio Hotel". So come along!
Voice-over: The eagerly awaited meeting with Tokio Hotel is happening.
Bill: Hi. Hello. Hi.
Reina: Hello. Hello.
Bill: Nice to meet you. Bill.
Reina: I know German. I know German.
Bill: Oh. Hi.
Tom: Tom.
Reina: Hello. Good morning.
Bill: Good morning.
Reina: Erm, I've lived in Vienna [Austria] for four years [until] three years ago.
Bill: Ah.
Reina: Exactly. That's why I know you and I was really a big fan of yours.
Tom: Very good. Thank you.
Bill: Oh, thank you very much.
Voice-over: Reina, it's okay to touch!
Reina: So, you're called "Tokio Hotel" and I've heard that you've always wanted to play in Tokyo.
Bill: Oh, it's quite unusual to be speaking German again.
Georg: Yes.
Bill: Erm, actually it was a bit like we set ourselves a goal with it as well. That's why we chose Tokyo as a city because we thought "Ok, that's really far enough. That's out of reach." Above all it also sounds good somehow. Like, the sound [of it] was also important to us.
Reina: And after all you're one of the most successful bands. Well, of the German bands from the past 20 years.
Bill: It was really a total fluke that it ended up being so successful. We've definitely got the advantage that we really are a band that formed totally naturally. Meaning, we really got to meet each other on our own and we're also just really good friends. I think that's just one of the things that one, erm... that definitely connects us to each other and it's also what makes it a bit special.
*"Durch den Monsun" live at Tokyo showcase*
Voice-over: Their average age is 22 years. Reina prepared something to get to know the young stars better.
Reina *presenting pink box*: That's got, like, pieces of paper inside and there's a keyword written on each one.
Bill: Okay. *getting first piece of paper out of box, reading it out* "holiday"
Reina: What are you doing? What would you do if you had a week's holiday starting tomorrow?
Bill: I'd immediately book a plane ticket to the Maldives.
Tom: Yes. When we're on holiday then it's always about relaxing and [doing] nothing... not making any efforts so to speak. And that's why we were lying around the Maldives and actually didn't do anything, except maybe jet skiing every now and then.
Georg *picking next piece of paper*: The next one? "pet"
Reina: I've heard all of you have got pets.
Tokio Hotel: Yes.
Reina: Namely… dogs?
Bill: Dogs. And many at that. Tom and I have got four.
Reina: Four?!
Bill: Tom and I have got four dogs, yes. That was always such a coincidence. We basically wanted to save them from the animal shelter and wanted to somehow protect them a bit and actually find a new place for them.
*Georg laughing*
Bill: And the thing that's always happening is that you no longer give them away once they've been with you and so it's four [dogs] by now. However, I could also imagine [to have] more dogs.
Reina: I see.
*up next: "die Deutschen" – "the Germans"*
Bill: For example, Tom and I are always very punctual. I hate waiting and I'm very impatient. Well, like... I think, it's... That's also a little something that Germans are said to be. That they're always very, very punctual.
Reina: What's so good about German?
Bill: Of course it's our mother tongue. So one's got a special bond to it. Needless to say, right? And erm, that's why being able to speak German the way we are with you now naturally just makes us happy from time to time when we're so far away [from home]. That really is something special then.
Tom: Quite good, yes.
Voice-over: Super, Reina!
Voice-over: The band members attract a great deal of attention in the music industry and fashion world.
Reina: And today I've got […] for you.
Voice-over: Which one of Tokyo's trends does the popular model Reina recommend?
Bill: Are they real?
Reina: No, they're not real.
Bill: Ow, that's good!
Reina: They aren't real.
Georg: [That's] for the car, right? To, erm... [attach] to the mirror.
Reina *laughing*: No, that's not for the car.
Bill *snatching the black one out of Georg's grasp*: I want the black one!
Reina: [It's] not for cars. Erm, that's like… you put it here for example.
Voice-over: She's giving the band foxtail tags that are popular with high school girls.
*talking underneath voice-over*
(Bill: […] these things totally […] but that's not real?
Reina: The fur isn't real. Of course [not].
Bill: Oh, that's good.)
Tom *looking at foxtail*: But you're sure [it's not]?
Bill: And as an earring, Georg. *holding it up to Georg's ear*
*Georg teasing Gustav*
Gustav *telling him off*: Georch! Get away… get that away.
Bill: Many thanks.
Reina: You're very welcome.
Voice-over: In the end the band members revealed their motto in life.
*Bill writing*
Tom: Yes. Whoo.
Bill *holding up what he wrote down*: Is it readable?
Reina *reading it out*: "Live every second". Yes, [it's readable].
Tom: […] and often have to remind myself that I really… that one really has to do it because… Meaning, very often it's just a case of working so much that one, erm... yes, [that one] no longer thinks about enjoying and living every second.
Bill: So sometimes one has to remind oneself: "We're in Tokyo right now!", right?
Reina: Yes, exactly.
Bill *turning around, looking out of window*: One has to look outside the window from time to time and to then realise once again: "Wow!"
Voice-over: Today a dream came true in Tokyo. [It was] memorable from the first second on.
Translation by THUKST
In der kommenden Ausgabe der japanischen InRock (Vol.329) werden Briefe und Botschaften zahlreicher Künstler an Japan abgedruckt sein. Auch Tokio Hotel haben ihre Anteilnahme auf diese Weise ausgedrückt. Was sie geschrieben haben, könnt ihr in der folgenden Vorschau sehen (oben rechts):
In the next issue of the Japanese InRock (Vol.329) will be letters and messages to Japan from many artists. Tokio Hotel have also shown their sympathy in this way. You can see in the following preview what they have written (right upper corner):
In the next issue of the Japanese InRock (Vol.329) will be letters and messages to Japan from many artists. Tokio Hotel have also shown their sympathy in this way. You can see in the following preview what they have written (right upper corner):
Hello Japan!
We just want everybody to know that we are by your side in this really sad and hard situation. All our thoughts and LOVE goes out to you guys!!! We hope that everything is getting better soon, people unite and support each other.
All the BEST!
Tokio Hotel - Bill, Tom, Georg, Gustav
We just want everybody to know that we are by your side in this really sad and hard situation. All our thoughts and LOVE goes out to you guys!!! We hope that everything is getting better soon, people unite and support each other.
All the BEST!
Tokio Hotel - Bill, Tom, Georg, Gustav