Scans by TokioHotel-Info Translation Tokio Hotel: Return to Germany? Everything is still top secret: The Twins are supposed to be a part of the Jury of the new Casting Show on Pro7 – this would be the TV surprise of the year... This ensures a rating fight between the Talent Shows: The new season of "Das Supertalent" (Britain's got Talent) starts in September...
TH for Japan: MTV Bass Auktion Kürzlich hat MTV Japan die Auktion für den original Bass aus dem SCREAM Musikvideo gestartet. Georg hat versucht ihn damals zu crashen aber ganz ehrlich: in dieser Szene musste ich ihn doubeln um den Bass klein zu bekommen... ;) Das hier ist also ein einzigartiges Stück Tokio Hotel Geschichte – echter geht nicht! Check DIESEN LINK und...
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VOX - Prominent DOWNLOAD Translation And Tokio Hotel, with a new look, have stopped their concert break. Bill: "We wanna raise as much money as we can." For such a commitment we say: IN! AFP TV DOWNLOAD Translation Even their band name obliged to help. Tokio Hotel give a benefit concert in the Japanese capital to help the victims of the tsunami-disaster. Bill:...
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