
Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Pics #1

Photo by unknown Photos by mm717 ...

Tom's Blog - 27.02.2011

Antwort an alle! Die Fans aus den Staaten kennen den Spot vielleicht schon vom Super Bowl - für all die anderen 6,001,200,000 Menschen: Viel Spaß damit ;D Reply all! Our US fans might know this one already from the Super Bowl - for all the other 6,001,200,000 people: Enjoy ;D  ...

Interview HIS - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011

Interview with Tokio Hotel February 10, 2011 is a memorable day for the fans of TOKIO HOTEL. Yes, the long-awaited TOKIO HOTEL finally come to Japan. Thus, HIS has a special interview with the four guys from TOKIO HOTEL who as the Goodwill Ambassador for the 150th anniversary of Germany. Here are the answers we got from them about visiting Germany. HIS: Your...

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 6

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 1 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 2 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 3 & 4Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 5 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 7 & 8   Interview with Tokio Hotel - Part 6 You four started your band activities since...

Bounce #329 [Japan] - Scans

Scans by theresa @ THCN ...

Smart #255 [Japan] - Scan

Scan by theresa @ THCN ...

Tom's Blog - 24.02.2011

...und so baust du deine eigene Welle! Unglaublich wie dieser kleine Graben zum mitreißenden Strom wird! Build your own wave! Unbelievable how this tiny thing turns into such a powerful river!  ...

InRock Vol.327 [Japan] - Scans & Translation

æ„› = Liebe/Love Translation Interview with Tokio Hotel I want to try something new except music with Tom. This month, Adimission free (page 84-85) published the articles written by readers who were interviewed with Tokio Hotel, coz it's initial to look into from fans' view. Overwhelmed by Bill, among those German all the people were so high. Beyond that, Bill and Tom kept...

Tom's Blog - 21.02.2011

Magnetic Man - "Getting Nowhere" BMX = Lord of the Rings Black Riders?! http://www.kovideo.net/getting-nowhere-video-magnetic-man-1192709.html ...

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 5

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 1 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 2 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 3 & 4 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 6 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 7 & 8 Interview with Tokio Hotel - Part 5 Back to the topic of music, since...

Signing Session - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Pics #1

Das Mädchen ist das Model Reina Triendle! / The girl is the model Reina Triendle!  Quelle/Source: Photo #1 || Photo #2 || Photo #3 ...

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 2

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 1   Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 3 & 4 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 5 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 6 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 7 & 8 Interview with Tokio Hotel - Part 2 All of you started the band...

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 3 & 4

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 1Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 2 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 5 Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 6Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 7 & 8 Interview with Tokio Hotel - Part 3 Bill, you create lyrics like writing diaries? Bill: Ja. They are...

Interviews/Fotoshootings - Tokyo, Japan 09.02.2011 - Pics #1

 Quelle/Source: Photos #1 #3 #4 || Photo #2 || Photo #5  Quelle/Source: Photos #1 #3 #4 || Photo #2 || Photo #5 ...

Tom's Blog - 19.02.2011

God shave the Queen - ähh, oder... Ich will nicht zu viel verraten aber einer der langharigen Tokio Hotel Jungs hat sein erstes graues Haar seit Zimmer 483. Und leider sieht es ganz danach aus, dass ihr in den nächsten Monaten mehr und mehr seiner Kopfhaut zu sehen bekommt. Ihr habt ganz richtig gehört - schlechte Neuigkeiten! Einer von uns verliert seine Haare...

GOSSIPS #04/2011 [Japan] - Scans & Translation

Scans by theresa @ THCN Translation Questions - Bill: - Bill's hair style is so cool. How much time do you spend on it? - If you analyze yourself, what kind of person are you? - What do you think about Japanese girls? - Please tell us something about being a twin... - What charakter does each member have? - Do you use...

th-and-you.com - Interview mit TokioHotel-Info

Das Team von th-and-you stellt im Moment auf ihrer Website deutsche Tokio Hotel-Fanseiten vor. In diesem Zusammenhang haben sie mit uns ein Interview geführt, was ihr ab sofort auf th-and-you.com lesen könnt! Schaut doch einfach mal vorbei - viel Spaß beim Lesen! Und noch einmal ein großes Dankeschön an das th-and-you-Team für das Interview :) ...

Interview Radio 81.3 FM J-WAVE - Tokyo, Japan 11.02.2011

Interview with Tokio Hotel Bill Kaulitz: «I don't celebrate Valentine's day because I don't have a girlfriend.» This week, we met with the phenomenal German rock band Tokio Hotel. Indeed, Nana Otsuka met them yesterday and interviewed the members of Tokio Hotel who visited Japan. They have sold more than 7 million albums to date! They are the most successful artists in Germany...

BRAVO #08/2011 [Germany] - Scan & Translation

Translation Absolutely stylish in Tokyo! He will never run out of ideas! So crazy are Bill's Japan-Looks! When nature calls! For their Japanese fans Tokio Hotel have come up with something special - more specifically Bill (21). The singer has picked just cool outfits out of his closet for the big trip to Tokyo. On the arrival at the airport he wore a...

Tom's Blog - 15.02.2011

Das Glas der Schimpfworte... ...oder auch "Swear Jar". So ein Ding brauchen wir auch für unsere Band - da würde ich Kohle ohne Ende verdienen! I need a swear jar for the band! I would make some sick amounts of money...money stacks sky high!  ...

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 1

Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 2Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 3 & 4Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 5Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 6Interview ELLEgirl - Tokyo, Japan 10.02.2011 - Part 7 & 8  Interview with Tokio Hotel - Part 1 Tokio Hotel was found by identical twin brother, Bill (Vo.) and...

Tokio Hotel's Valentine's Day Message 2011

DOWNLOAD Thanks to Vanessa @ foreversacred.bplaced.net Quelle/Source ...

Los Angeles, USA 12.02.2011 - Airport #1

Photo by Bk Teresa ...

Kilian Kerner mit Tokio Hotel-Shirt #3

Kilian Kerner goes Tokio Hotel zum Dritten :) Nachdem der Mode-Designer schon mehrmals ein Tokio Hotel-Shirt bei öffentlichen Auftritten trug (wir berichteten #1 #2), hat er nun erneut bei der Mercedes Benz Fashion Week A/W 2011/12 in Berlin Shirts der Band getragen. Kilian Kerner goes Tokio Hotel for the 3rd time :) After the fashion-designer already wore a Tokio Hotel-Shirt several times at...

Tom's Blog - 12.02.2011

Alles klar... ...unsere Freunde aus den Staaten :D   There goes America :D ...

Tokyo, Japan 12.02.2011 - Airport #1

  Photos by Mari64Mari Photos by diz_sykes Photos by mo3nsoon Photos by 17xoxo Video #1 Video #2 Video #3 ...